The Sinful Veneration of King Wenceslas
The Catholic religion is straight out of Hell!
, a powerful man in Czechoslovakia. It says on this official Vatican site that the skull worshipper is: Archbishop of Prague and President of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences. Type his name on a search engine, then choose "Images," and you'll see plenty of pictures of him with the dead pope. Miloslav is someone important in the Catholic world. You can type "Cardinal Miloslav" on the search engine or "Miloslav vlk", this way you will get around 330 results. The Word of God strictly forbids worshipping skulls and idols (Exodus 20:3-5).
The man who is praying with the skull is Cardinal Miloslav,
Above is the tiara where the skull is displayed. Below is more information.
The skull is that of a man named
St. Václav or St. Wenceslas and he is a national "patron" of Czechoslovakia. Here are some photos of his statue:The statue of Saint Wenceslas stands at the southern end of Wenceslas Square in front of the National Museum. Saint Wenceslas (907-929) was the king of Bohemia in the 10th century. He was later canonized and is also the patron saint of Bohemia. He was raised a Christian and took the throne at the age of 18. He was loved for his generosity but hated by the pagan nobility for encouraging Christianity. He was later murdered in an ambush set up by his brother, Boleslav.
Here is his short bio:,_Duke_of_Bohemia
Catholicism is a lie of the Devil. If I didn't sincerely care about people, then I wouldn't take the time to WARN you. The Catholic religion is all a bunch of Satanic lies based upon manmade unbiblical traditions. I plead with you as a friend, obey the Bible by turning to the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and forsaking the Mother of Harlots. The Great Whore of the Catholic Church will take you to Hell with them if you're foolish enough to follow them. Please don't do it. Salvation is NOT found in a religion, but in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ! You need Christianity friend, NOT churchianity.
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Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (by Charles Chiniquy, a former Catholic priest)
Thirty Years in Hell (by Bernard Fresenborg, a former Catholic priest)
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The Pope, the Devil, and the Masonic Lodge
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List of Catholic Heresies and Human Traditions (What new doctrine will they invent next?)
The Hoax of Our Lady of Fatima (One of Catholicism's Biggest Scams)
The Catholic Church is NOT Christian
The Satanic Eucharist and Mass
The Assumption of Mary Refuted
"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." -Mark 7:6-9